8/3/20233 min read


Mexico, a country known for its natural and cultural wealth, is facing a water crisis that poses an imminent threat to its population and environment. Despite abundant water sources, overexploitation, pollution, and climate change are pushing water availability and quality to the limit in many regions of the country. In this article, we will explore the serious situation of the water crisis in Mexico and the consequences that this may have if urgent measures are not taken, as well as some of the most important points related to this situation:

  • Water scarcity: Approximately 80% of the hydrological basins in Mexico face water scarcity problems. The growing demand for water for human consumption, agriculture and industry, together with the decrease in water resources, is generating tensions and conflicts over access to water in many communities.

  • Water pollution: Pollution is a serious concern in Mexico, especially in rivers, lakes and aquifers. The dumping of industrial waste, the lack of wastewater treatment and the indiscriminate use of agrochemicals have led to a drastic decrease in water quality, affecting the health of people and aquatic ecosystems.

  • Impact on public health: Water scarcity and contamination have direct consequences on the health of the population. Lack of access to safe drinking water and adequate sanitation increases the risk of waterborne diseases, such as diarrhea, and negatively affects the quality of life of millions of people in Mexico.

  • Agriculture at risk: Agriculture, one of Mexico's main economic sectors, faces significant challenges due to the water crisis. Overexploitation of water resources and lack of sustainable irrigation practices threaten food production and food security in the country.

  • Loss of biodiversity: Mexico's water bodies are home to a great diversity of aquatic species and play a crucial role in terrestrial and marine ecosystems. The decrease in water resources and water pollution endanger the survival of these species and affect the ecological balance.

  • Climate change: Climate change exacerbates the water crisis in Mexico. Rising temperatures, decreasing precipitation and extreme weather events, such as droughts and floods, directly impact the availability and distribution of water in the country.

  • Inequality and unequal access to water: Mexico's water crisis does not affect everyone equally. Rural communities and marginalized urban areas are the most vulnerable, facing difficulties in accessing safe drinking water and basic sanitation. This exacerbates existing inequalities in the country.

  • Urgent measures and policies: Faced with the imminent threat of the water crisis, it is necessary that the government, civil organizations and society as a whole take urgent measures. Comprehensive water management is required, including the implementation of sustainable technologies, the strengthening of infrastructure and the promotion of conservation practices and efficient water use.

  • Education and awareness: Education and awareness of the importance of water are key to addressing the crisis. It is necessary to promote a culture of water care from an early age, encouraging responsible use and protection of water resources.

  • Cooperation and collective action: The water crisis in Mexico requires the collaboration and collective action of all sectors of society. It is critical that government, business, non-governmental organizations and citizens work together to find solutions and ensure a sustainable future for water in Mexico.

The water crisis in Mexico represents an imminent threat that requires urgent attention. Scarcity, pollution and the effects of climate change are jeopardizing the availability and quality of water, as well as the health and well-being of the population. It is essential that immediate action be taken to address this crisis by promoting the responsible use of water, the conservation of water resources, and the implementation of sustainable policies. Only through cooperation and collective action can we ensure a prosperous and sustainable future for water in Mexico.