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7/19/20233 min read


Today, we are facing a serious problem due to the contamination of resources such as water. Progress in many cases is one of the triggers, and the effects it has on water resources are dire. Some of them are direct, such as:

Shortage of drinking water

Currently, the leading cause of death is due to the lack of drinking water. The WHO warns that this problem is not likely to diminish, but rather to increase. Available estimates indicate that 2.1 billion of our planet's inhabitants do not have access to drinkable water. In other words, 3 out of every 10 people on earth. By 2050, this figure could multiply to 7 billion.

This scarcity forces many to consume unsafe water, causing the death of thousands of people a year. Around 20% of the earth's inhabitants do not have access to a sanitation network, despite the projects being implemented by many organizations to bring drinking water to vulnerable areas.

Moreover, only 1% of the water on our planet is drinkable. The basic needs of a human being (hygiene, cooking and drinking) are about 25 liters per person per day. Due to water pollution, consequences such as water scarcity have devastating effects.

Increased product prices

Another effect of water pollution is the increase in the cost of many productive activities, especially those related to food production. It is also a higher cost for those that require a large amount of water to operate, clean machinery, etc.

The more it is polluted, the more drinking water becomes scarce, and therefore all those activities that need it increase their costs.

Considering that in many countries people barely have enough to get the basics, if this increases their prices, the problem continues to grow.

AuIncrease in diseases

Another effect of water pollution is the increase in the cost of many productive activities, especially those related to food production. It is also a higher cost for those that require a large amount of water to operate, clean machinery, etc.

The more it is polluted, the more drinking water becomes scarce, and therefore all those activities that need it increase their costs.

Considering that in many countries people barely have enough to get the basics, if this increases their prices, the problem continues to grow.


The effects of water pollution are also felt in the soil. Life in the soil is destroyed, transforming large tracts of previously productive land into deserts where there is little or no life.

Increased desertification is one of the most serious consequences of water pollution, directly and indirectly affecting billions of people in more than 100 countries, especially those with fewer resources. In turn. The lack of water in these areas causes a migratory flow to places where there is sufficient water in principle, but which may be endangered by population growth.